me and my soulmates

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Al-Fatihah,adik syafiah humairah sahari

Al-Fatihah to Syafiah Humairah Sahari....I'm beyond words..I can't describe,couldn't find a word to describe how I'm feeling right now.I'm not going to elaborate on how I'm feeling.I just want to say this to that're a bloody murderer and you don't deserve to live.You should be shot,should be kicked by 1000 footballers(make that a million) and should be lashed and dragged by 100 horses.
To the so called are a whore!!!a sick whore and you will see your daughter in the other world and you can only pray that she will pray for you...nauzubillah..kerana nafsu kau biarkan anak kau dibunuh,diseksa..hanya kerana nafsu syaitan kau tu.nauzubillah..jauhkan aku dari sifat binatang ini.bianatng pun sayangkan anak.
This kind of behaviour have to put to a stop.There has to be an akta to defend and to protect these children...Why hasn't anyone propose the mother to be canned?That model who was suppose to be canned,she's a loving mother...yet people don't want to see that side of her..yet this idiot who let her daughter die...boleh pengsan konon..4mths pregnant with another baby...boleh senyap one nak sebat dia???something is very wrong here.
Let's all pray that adik syafiah rest in peace.Semoga tempat mu disana lebih aman,lebih penuh kasih sayang dari NYA.Sesungguhnya,tempat kau disana dan bukan dengan orang2 yg zalim ini,wallahualam..Allah SWT Maha Mengetahui.
Yang buruk dari saya sendiri,Yang baik hanya dari Allah SWT.

Friday, February 26, 2010

malaysia's public toilet=filthy

Assalamualaikum people....:)Salam Maulidur Rasul,Selawat ke atas Nabi Junjungan Nabi Muhammad SAW....
I wanted to post this entry last year but I was too bitter,fed-up and just tired even thinking bout it.I can be very bitchy or might even use vulgar words so i decided not to post any entry about this public toilet issue until now...very in composed mode huahuahuhauhau....
I'll make this as short,simple,SWEET as I possibly could :)........
I hate the public toilet in our country!!!!!!!!I hate the mentality of the people who can't even have the decency to wash after themselves properly.I hate it that we have to pay to enter and use toilets that's flooded with dirty water....I hate public toilets here that are not user friendly.....Masyaallah...Can somebody,anybody that can change the mindset of our people,to be more civic minded,to become cleaner people....!!!!Try the public toilet in PD...go and try.My hubby said the gents toilet are not so bad..but LADIES toilet..YA RABB..........pengotor macam takda kepala hotak!!!!!!What's the use of the brain inside your head???throwing used shampoo packets on the floor,used sanitary pads on the floor..????!!!The floor flooded with almost everything that's used.
Malls toilets???Don't even go to that mall in Putrajaya....masyaallah..90%malay,muslims..toilet macam !@#$%^.....with the smell,the tissues thrown not in the bin but on the floor...I just don't get it..I don't get it..I get into really bad,bad mood everytime I have to use the public toilet in MALAYSIA...Most of the time I wished there's something that could be done to "teach" these species of people who doesn't know how to use public toilets..there's no time to educate them,some are "old" enough....*fennnatttt*
Go travel,overseas...go learn from those they keep their public toilets clean and dry and mind you..they're "kapior"...cakap sleng perak skt kasi paham...

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

My princess turns 5

Alhamdulillah,thank you Allah SWT for blessing me and my husband with wonderful children.We had a small birthday celebration for my baby,princess Marissa on Sunday 21/2/10 at KFC KD Giant.She turned 5 on the 18Th Feb.We had a blast  and I felt so blessed surrounded by loved ones, family and close friends.Thank you all for making it a wonderful event.On behalf of Shahrom and myself,I'd like to thank all of you for coming..with all the beautiful gifts,thank you*hugs*Thank you KFC for organizing a great fun-filled party.If you guys want to make a birthday party for your cute KFC at 1 300 88 66 33.They're great.
Alhamdulillah again and take care.:)

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Assalamualaikum...hey you..:)
busy me,running after the kids,3 days without water supply last weekend...and cupcakes orders for this weekend,my dad coming to visit(yeayyy)..creme caramel to get them ready before the 20th..around 20-25pkts..and I'm happy..Alhamdulillah.Won't be posting any entry until everythings a good week ahead people!

Friday, February 12, 2010



Thursday, February 11, 2010


Mari kita sama2 hayati dan sama2 share this post with those we love..

Di akhirat nanti ada 4 golongan lelaki yang akan ditarik masuk ke neraka oleh wanita. Lelaki itu adalah mereka yang tidak memberikan hak kepada wanita dan tidak menjaga amanah itu. Mereka ialah:
1. Ayahnya...
Apabila seseorang yang bergelar ayah tidak mempedulikan anak2 perempuannya di dunia. Dia tidak memberikan segala keperluan agama seperti mengajar solat, mengaji dan sebagainya Dia membiarkan anak2 perempuannya tidak menutup aurat. Tidak cukup kalau dengan hanya memberi
kemewahan dunia sahaja. Maka dia akan ditarik ke neraka oleh anaknya.
(p/s; Duhai lelaki yang bergelar ayah, bagaimanakah hal keadaan anak perempuanmu sekarang?. Adakah kau mengajarnya bersolat & saum?..menutup aurat?.. pengetahuan agama?.. Jika tidak cukup salah satunya, maka bersedialah untuk menjadi bahan bakar neraka jahanam.)
2. Suaminya
Apabila sang suami tidak mempedulikan tindak tanduk isterinya. Bergaul bebas di pejabat, memperhiaskan diri bukan untuk suami tapi untuk pandangan kaum lelaki yang bukan mahram. Apabila suami mendiam diri walaupun seorang yang alim dimana solatnya tidak pernah bertangguh,
saumnya tidak tinggal, maka dia akan turut ditarik oleh isterinya bersama-sama ke dalam neraka.
(p/s; Duhai lelaki yang bergelar suami, bagaimanakah hal keadaan isteri tercintamu sekarang?. Dimanakah dia? Bagaimana akhlaknya? Jika tidak kau menjaganya mengikut ketetapan syari'at, maka terimalah hakikat yang kau
akan sehidup semati bersamanya di 'taman' neraka sana.)
3. Abang-abangnya
Apabila ayahnya sudah tiada,tanggungjawab menjaga maruah wanita jatuh ke bahu abang- abangnya dan saudara lelakinya. Jikalau mereka hanya mementingkan keluarganya sahaja dan adiknya dibiar melencong dari ajaran
Islam, tunggulah tarikan adiknya di akhirat kelak.
(p/s; Duhai lelaki yang mempunyai adik perempuan, jangan hanya ! menjaga amalmu, dan jangan ingat kau terlepas... kau juga akan dipertanggungjawabkan di akhirat kelak...jika membiarkan adikmu bergelumang dengan maksiat... dan tidak menutup aurat.)
4. Anak2 lelakinya
Apabila seorang anak tidak menasihati seorang ibu perihal kelakuan yang haram disisi Islam. bila ibu membuat kemungkaran mengumpat, memfitnah, mengata dan sebagainya...maka anak itu akan disoal dan dipertanggungjawabkan di akhirat kelak....dan nantikan tarikan ibunya ke neraka.
(p/s; Duhai anak2 lelaki.... sayangilah ibumu....nasihatilah dia jika tersalah atau terlupa... kerana ibu juga insan biasa... tak lepas dr melakukan dosa... selamatkanlah dia dr menjadi 'kayu api' neraka....jika tidak, kau juga
akan ditarik menjadi penemannya.)
Firman Allah S.W.T;
"Hai anak Adam, peliharalah diri kamu serta ahlimu dari api neraka dimana bahan bakarnya ialah manusia, jin dan batu-batu.....

Saturday, February 6, 2010

entry berani mati..hikhikhik...

....salam  everyone:)..This entry is named entry berani mati is becaused...hauhuahuahua..I'm about to share with you..story mory I..yang have memalukan I like BIG time I'm typing this I'm already laughing terkekek2 but cannot make any sound coz marissa n muaz are sleeping..hikhikhik..better type as fast as I could so that they wont get up before i could finish goes..This embarrassing event took place last year in a hypermarket nearby my hse..hypermarket ye..take note..meaning that ramai orang...
I locked my house before I left and I went into the car.When I entered the hypermarket...I passed by this kiosk that sells programs for children..ala what's the name?dah usual..I just say no,thank you to the sales person and walked off confidently..(berlagak beb)..then went to the playland that they have there..took off my slippers(i wear sandals/slippers everywhere)and followed my kids at the playland..good mummy what,takut anak jatuh so,standby la kat anak..
where is this story going???sabau,sabau...
my hubby went to the surau and I waited for him at the playland..still in the playland area..then my husband came out from the surau and said"let's go home" said..wokay..i went to where I left my's my slippers...and there's my OTHER slippers.....get it??!!get it??!!!
i ran to my husband gelak macam nak pengsan,muka merah nak mamps...malu like gila...dunno where to put my face..wanted to get inside the groceries trolley so that i don't have to walk...Ya Rabb...malu weii....,people...lesson learnt..don't rushed out of the house and take time to put on your shoes/ actually looking at them before you put them on!!
(luckily for me..cewahh..nak lucky lagi tu...yeah,i have nice slippers..both bling2..hahahah..tak la malu sgt if!!!)

Friday, February 5, 2010

yang lepas jangan dikenang...

................Barang yang lepas jangan dikenang,kalau dikenang pasti menangis...:(.....No matter what you face in life,don't let your past becomes the boulder that stops you from moving forward.Embrace life,look forward,make the best of everything.....sounds familiar?yeah..all the best professionals speaker/motivator will say the same's not as easy as they say it..I know.What do they mean by those things?When we're facing this big messy problem..sometimes we feel like..that's it laa...nyampah,menci..why me??what did I do that I'm tested this way???
hmmmm...heard all those before,experienced that phase too..before..but,I'm thankful.It's just a phase..really.Just like a thick black...was it black or dark grey??yup,just like a black thick cloud that will pass and the sun will shine again....
I'm still learning,everyday is a learning process.Focusing on many things in life,one have to know their priorities..set a limit,set a goal..who comes first,what comes next...or you can also just live your life as they are and be positive no matter what comes in your way :)
Family,kids,work,hobbies,friends, comes first?you decide...

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

kak zura...oh kak zura..:)

pics by google

salam everyone.....announcement2x...those who wishes to have a body massage at home,spa massage or traditional can try this lady's service..whom in my opinion is in the top of my masseuse's list...cewwwahhh..ada list masseuse hokay!!!!
She's staying in her at 019-7293606 for appointment..she's very busy so do make appointments first :)
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