me and my soulmates

Saturday, June 27, 2009 :(

Yesterday has to be one of the saddest day of my life.Waking up to find out from CNN news that one of the greatest performer has passed on.I was shocked and no words could describe the emotions that I had...until at this present moment I am still in shocked.MJ has to be "the"only performer af all time that has touched millions of hearts irregardless of their nationality,race,colors,religion,age,gender.....
My main concern now is what type of burial is he going to get..If he was a muslim,i "doa"that he will be buried quickly and if he's not I hope he'll get a burial that he would wish for.My heart goes out to his 3 kids and family...
To the King of many hearts...Rest in Peace.(We heart you)

1 comment:

Amelia Khalik said...

Al Fatihah to Mikaael. Insyallah dengan izin nya he will be buried as a muslim. I pray n doa for his soul. Amin.

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