Al-Fatihah to Syafiah Humairah Sahari....I'm beyond words..I can't describe,couldn't find a word to describe how I'm feeling right now.I'm not going to elaborate on how I'm feeling.I just want to say this to that're a bloody murderer and you don't deserve to live.You should be shot,should be kicked by 1000 footballers(make that a million) and should be lashed and dragged by 100 horses.
To the so called are a whore!!!a sick whore and you will see your daughter in the other world and you can only pray that she will pray for you...nauzubillah..kerana nafsu kau biarkan anak kau dibunuh,diseksa..hanya kerana nafsu syaitan kau tu.nauzubillah..jauhkan aku dari sifat binatang ini.bianatng pun sayangkan anak.
This kind of behaviour have to put to a stop.There has to be an akta to defend and to protect these children...Why hasn't anyone propose the mother to be canned?That model who was suppose to be canned,she's a loving mother...yet people don't want to see that side of her..yet this idiot who let her daughter die...boleh pengsan konon..4mths pregnant with another baby...boleh senyap one nak sebat dia???something is very wrong here.
Let's all pray that adik syafiah rest in peace.Semoga tempat mu disana lebih aman,lebih penuh kasih sayang dari NYA.Sesungguhnya,tempat kau disana dan bukan dengan orang2 yg zalim ini,wallahualam..Allah SWT Maha Mengetahui.
Yang buruk dari saya sendiri,Yang baik hanya dari Allah SWT.
Sorry For The Long Hiatus
2 years ago