me and my soulmates

Friday, February 5, 2010

yang lepas jangan dikenang...

................Barang yang lepas jangan dikenang,kalau dikenang pasti menangis...:(.....No matter what you face in life,don't let your past becomes the boulder that stops you from moving forward.Embrace life,look forward,make the best of everything.....sounds familiar?yeah..all the best professionals speaker/motivator will say the same's not as easy as they say it..I know.What do they mean by those things?When we're facing this big messy problem..sometimes we feel like..that's it laa...nyampah,menci..why me??what did I do that I'm tested this way???
hmmmm...heard all those before,experienced that phase too..before..but,I'm thankful.It's just a phase..really.Just like a thick black...was it black or dark grey??yup,just like a black thick cloud that will pass and the sun will shine again....
I'm still learning,everyday is a learning process.Focusing on many things in life,one have to know their priorities..set a limit,set a goal..who comes first,what comes next...or you can also just live your life as they are and be positive no matter what comes in your way :)
Family,kids,work,hobbies,friends, comes first?you decide...


Amelia Khalik said...

So true..let the past be bygone. Embrace the future in a positive note. I know what u mean dear friend but it's difficult to change one's mindset. Takper na sabar itu separuh dari iman...:)

:: LadyVerde + Mr.Doc :: said...

breath innnnn...breath outttttttttt!
chill babe...take one thing at a time...
insyaallah everythg will be ok! :D

adriana az said...

hi verde :)..chill eh..hehehe,it was meant for a friend actually,she's on the verge of breakdown and I can't help her..she have to help herself 1st..wished I could do sthing to ease her pain ..

adriana az said...

thanks me..for lending your ears..insyaallah..i'll keep on praying :)

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