me and my soulmates

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

moving on.......

Have you ever experienced something so hurtful until you just can't let it out of your mind?So bad that you keep on dwelling about it,keep talking about it...How do you let it go?How do you move on?
I maybe good at telling someone to "move on","don't look back""God is great"...I too have issues on moving on not so long ago...but now I think I have move on and am happier that I did.I wished I can help this person that I really care for to move on with her life,to cherish the blessings that Allah swt has blessed her and to live her life but I can only wish.It's she who have to make that move...:(
(semoga dia dikurniakan hidayah untuk meneruskan kehidupan dengan hati yg terbuka dan tenang)

(pic googled)


Ella said...

tabahkan hati sis..
jgn di kenang2..
doa byk2 minta ketenangan dr Nya.

mmg mudah berkata2, tp itu je yg mampu kulakukan utkmu..chewah..

selamat aidiladha ya..
raya kt ganu mesti meriah.
me balik Jb esok..

adriana az said...

thanks dear ella :) kita doa sama2,mmg easier said than done kan.i pegi tgg hari thursday,insyaallah.selamat hari raya to u n safe.

adriana az said...

thanks dear ella :) kita doa sama2,mmg easier said than done kan.i pegi tgg hari thursday,insyaallah.selamat hari raya to u n safe.

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